Modern Postcard is a national direct marketing partner that helps acquire and retain customers for businesses of any size through print, direct mail, and digital marketing integrations.
Operating at the forefront of innovation allows us to offer customers specialized services to meet their unique business needs. Our collaborative approach guides each client on planning, developing, launching, tracking, and improving direct marketing campaigns to ensure optimal response and return on investment.
Leading the industry for over 25 years, our extensive direct marketing knowledge is shared through national direct mail seminars, live webinars, and free marketing consultations to further educate customers on direct marketing best practices that will help guide and improve their marketing strategies.
Partner with Modern for successful full-service marketing campaigns produced from our state-of-the-art 75,000-square-foot facility in Carlsbad, California.
Product & Service Categories:
Multichannel, Customer Engagement, Personalization, Content/Social Media Management/PR/Campaign Management